MLW intermed Handels- und Consultinggesellschaft für Erzeugnisse und Ausrüstungen des Gesundheits- und Bildungswesens mbH is skilled in a long tradition period for realization of turnkey projects in the branches health, education, research and apprenticeship and public security.
In 1991 the company was founded, arosing from MLW import-export with 20 years long successful experience.
Our business till today is realizing projects worldwide characterized by equipping of institutions of health, education, research and apprenticeship also in environmental branch completed by long-termed export financing.
Our strength lies in development of concrete projects considering the necessary of the client, in realization of reasonable range of equipments from the view of technique and cost-effective, contemporaneous guarantee of customer-oriented financing and in organization of contract complient delevery and service of multitude projects presented form one hand. One of the important maxims of MLW intermed GmbH is the fast and flexible realization of the projects and individual delivery.
A proven staff at the head office near Berlin manages all necessary steps of the project like coordination of export financing, engineer design, planning control, project management, medical technology, commissioning, education, delivery of consumables and coverage of the after sale service providing by our bureaus ou by local partners in-site.
The major focus of our business lies on markets in Latin American, in Near and Middle East completed by Asian and African market. MLW intermed GmbH works permanently to enter new markets also by co-operations and to acquire new projects.
The active developing of new markets is supported by our representatives and/or our branch offices in Ecuador, Brazil and Cuba.
We are assured to be identify by own products on the markets is an important fact today. So we design at our head office dosage / agitator apparatus for amalgam and cold light source (xenon and halogen) in our own production under the well-known label “MLW”.
You are invited to obtain further information about permanent make-up devices manufactured by us on our sites under MLW-beauty.