BRAZIL 2012 - 2014
Federal State of Ceará / Fortaleza Subsequent contract with long-term financing:
- Delivery of equipment as part of the federal state program for the technological modernization of the State, incl. public security, such as helicopters for air rescue and fire fighting, communication facilites.
Cuba 2001 - 2009
Sugar industry, La Habana Supply of equipment for and expansion of the production laboratory of a sugar production facility
BRAZIL 2007 - 2008
state of Ceará / Fortaleza Supply with long-term export financing:
- of innovative and modern scientific devices of high complexity and in a wide product range, supplied through the office of the secretary of science, technology and higher education to the universities UFC - Universidade Federal do Ceará, UECE – Universidade Estadual do Ceará and UVA – Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú.
- of an aerial ladder vehicle with 55m ladder length and a long list of customized features, supplied through he office of the secretary of public security and civil protection to the fire service of the state Ceará for rescue missions in skyscrapers
GHANA 2007
Livestock Development Project, ACCRA Supply of ultrasonic detectors and equipment for stock farming
BRAZIL 2004 - 2006
UNESP - University of the Federal State Sao Paulo
Delivery, installation and handing-over of highly sophisticated technical equipment on long-term financing basis for providing scientific and research laboratories
GHANA 2003
Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra
Delivery, installation and commissioning of theatre and laboratory equipment for Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Ministry of Health / Ulaan Baatar
Programme against SARS
Supply of laboratory equipment, Patient monitoring and ventilation
United Nations Development Programme (PNUD -MODERSA)
Delivery and nationwide installation of sophisticated medical and laboratory equipment under financing of the Inter-American Development Bank
GHANA 2002
Ministry of Health / Accra
Ghana National Drug Programme
Supply of various laboratory equipment
State office for consumer protection and agriculture laboratory center, Potsdam Supply and installation of CO2 - incubators
INDIA 2000 - 2001
National malaria eradication programme of the Ministry of
Health and Family Welfare, Central Government of India.
Supply and delivery of 3000 nos. of "MLW - LAB", binocular microscopes purchased under the World Bank international competitive bidding by the Directorate general of Health Services on behalf of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.