

Ethical Principles for Export and Trade



Our company was founded in October 1991 at the traditional Schicklerstraße location, right in the heart of Berlin. The restart of a business no longer determined by government planning, but by market-led operations was accompanied by reflections on the upheavals of the time. After all, along with outdated symbolism, well-known and familiar traditions had vanished. Thus, the desire to anchor the company and each individual in a system of values was typical for the spirit of those years.

Based on time-proven parts of the company’s business model of its early days, MLW intermed created its maxim as a synthesis of traditions worth of preserving and new entrepreneurial dynamism.

That had been underpinned by the following highlights:

- In the heart of Berlin - something new was to be created at the old place.

Since 1968 MLW has been a recognized and worldwide registered trademark for the internationality of East German products of M edicine-, L aboratory and W eighing technology.

Until 1990 more than 500 employees of the former state-owned foreign trade company (AHB) MLW intermed-export-import ensured worldwide exports of GDR-made capital goods and materials for health care, research and teaching. Its radius of activity ranged from Russia’s Far Eastern territories to Chile and from Canada to New Zealand.

In October 1991, 20 former staff of the foreign trade company ventured a restart in the worldwide export business. After critically screening our traditions, the following features were deemed worthwhile to be preserved:

- MLW intermed acts as a worldwide protected brand name and logo;

- Appreciation for an industry- and user-oriented business philosophy;

- Presence in a number of developed markets, particularly overseas;

- Highly specialized know-how in export credit business;

- Access to reliable suppliers, sales and service partners in Germany and abroad.

The successful start into our future was based on the trust in the reliability gained by those people who had represented intermed MLW internally and externally.

It was then when the idea to set up MLW intermed’s corporate principles emerged. That was not only in line with the Zeitgeist, but underpinned by a special feature of MLW intermed GmbH, namely the fact that the 20 employees it had started off with were at the same time shareholders - all holding equal shares. This dualism alone caused a certain equality of all stakeholders, although for functional reasons responsibilities of course required a different weighting.

In that environment, but in particular for the sake of a stable and economically successful company development with a clear focus on present and future challenges we defined our


Corporate values - what we want to stand for

Two aspects should be highlighted right at the beginning:

First, the task was to maximize the motivation of all employees, taking into consideration their responsibilities and challenges. That meant to unleash their creativity and effectively use existing resources. We consider a binding corporate culture based on universal mission statements a major driver in fostering the relations within the team but also with external partners such as customers, suppliers and service providers. As we are primarily focussing our business on exports to many countries, it is crucial to deal respectfully with people from different cultures, mentalities and characters.

Therefore, it is important to us

  • To address every individual with dignity, appreciation and respect;
  • To act honestly and reliably, responsibly and fair in any situation;
  • To strive for tangible benefits for the people of those countries and regions where we put our projects into practice;
  • To ensure transparency and equal opportunities for all. We reject any form of corruption and discrimination;
  • To encourage motivation and individual responsibility, cooperative behaviour and mutual understanding in all areas;
  • To create a working atmosphere of mutual trust, where everyone can contribute and further develop his or her strengths as much as possible;
  • To cooperate with our partners on the basis of mutual trust, equality and fairness, while applying the same standards as regulated within the company.


Principles of conduct - as we keep our values alive

The yardstick for our daily commitment is whether something is to the benefit of the company, its employees and in the interest of its shareholders.

Our shareholders have taken the risk to engage entrepreneurially with their investments. It is them we are especially obliged to, since they secure our jobs.

We encourage the commitment of our employees and their individual skills. We feel that results achieved in team work are particularly viable. We will follow up on both strengths and weaknesses. Individual development in the company is also characterised by adhering to these principles. Our employees will live up to these principles also in public.

These clearly worded principles are generally binding and accessible to all employees. Management is committed to implementing these principles and continuously developing them. In case of perceived violations, but also for simple uncertainties and questions, the compliance officer shall be the first contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. He is bound by confidentiality.


IV. Violations

Compliance with these principles is of high importance. We take a clear stand against any violation of these principles. In case of any negative or even harmful effects on our company consequences in terms of labour law are possible.